Our Philosophy

“Kur dëgjon zëthin e s’ ëmës
Qysh e le qengji kopenë?
Blegërin dy a tri herë
Edhe ikën e merr dhenë.”

The homeland’s aroma that gave us life since our very first day on earth, each one of us has carried it within our souls, the moment fate has taken us to different paths of the world, while carrying the weight of Albania on our shoulders.
The last drop of tear from our hearts, has blessed this land with motherly love. We want to give you the same piece of longing that burns a fire in your chest, every time you remember your home country.

TROJETONA is a mission of patriotism, that aims to connect you spiritually with your home’s garden where you were born and raised, with our land’s blessed breeze and the rich heritage, bequeathed by our grandmothers. We have chosen to promote the best Albanian values, our pride in cooking, and the unique taste that authentic homemade products carry, made by the golden hands of housewives. We knocked on door to door where the centuries-old tradition of artisanal products is preserved, and together with our technologists who guarantee food safety and quality production conditions from the very beginning, we have created the "basket of Albanian flavors", our great gastronomic pride that has amazed anyone who has had the opportunity to taste Përmet’s gliko , Skrapar’s brandy or Berat’s olives. We stepped into each town to spot the authentic products that have lived on from generation to generation and have created the economy and future of many families in the area.

We want to help them never stop gifting tradition, never stop giving the best food values from our land and never stop the momentum that enriches this fertile land that produces Albanian flavors. Our artisans are national treasures, who have never sought attention but have always received gratitude for their hard work and persistent continuation of the tradition that they fanatically keep alive.

It’s this patriotic will on which we have built our system, and not an ordinary company, because we want to distribute values, not trade goods! We are united by our love for Albania, so we invite you to preserve the beauty of our tradition so that we never lose our identity, the most beautiful emotions that we carry with us as soon as we leave our homeland. "May you be healthy", as our grandmothers say, "blood and fat"; as these words satiate your soul when they preserve the fragrance of their hands. When Constantine had to preserve his faith, he traveled seven mountains while captured, to protect the Albanian faith. Today, one click is all that you need and our products will come straight to your home, packaged in such a way to give you the feeling that our lands are a common wealth that we must preserve.

“Ashtu dhe zemra ime më le këtu tek jam mua,
Vjen me vrap e me dëshirë,
Aty, ndër viset e tua.”